Tuesday, April 28, 2020

The Karambit, Sanggot, or Lihok Blade

In the new flick “Extraction” there is a knife fighting scene where one dude is using some type of commercial long straight blade and the other is using a Karambit. The Karambit in comparison to the other blade looks silly. But!, its just a movie, Annnnnd, Im no expert. Either.

Im not a big fan of the Karambit. I have found it difficult to use and hold and be of no practical purpose. It was originally designed as a tool in the 11th century or so then introduced throughout all of the Island countries in SE Asia. The origin of it as a tool has been lost to history.

As I said I do not personally like this type blade but, of course, I do own several. Some I have acquired in the Philippines and Malaysia, and others were purchased from modern knife makers and sellers.

There are a few guys in the Knife and TV industry who claim to be experts in the use of this blade. Well, maybe they are....But in reality, If I was to look for an “expert” in the use of a Karambit, I would find a street kid from a Manila slum and ask him to teach me how to use it before I would ask one of these so called “experts” on Yt or TV.

The Sanggot blade , more commonly called the Karambit or Korambit (by modern euro types) is an all purpose utility knife. It is believed to have originated in the Indonesian Archipeligo in the 11th century. No one really knows when it was introduced to the Philippines. However, this blade can still be seen in certain provinces throughout the Philippines. The filipinos call it “Lihok”.

The Indonesian fighting art of Pencak Silat, featured this type knife. Its roots can also be traced to the Malasian martial art of Bersilat and Filipino Kali. It was Actually not meant to be used as a combat blade. The “Lehok” was designed as a tool originally. The use of the Lehok or Karambit evolved as a fighting blade through the common peoples need throughout the SE Asian Islands to protect themselves from not only foreign invaders but local thugs and pirates.

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