Monday, April 27, 2020

Bahia Kino, Sonora, Mexico

Bahía Kino is a town in the Mexican state of Sonora, Hermosillo it about a 5 hour drive and a lifetime away from living in the good ol’ USA.. Situated on the Sea of Cortez (Gulf of California); it was named after Eusebio Kino. The name also applies to the adjacent bay between Tiburón Island and Punta San Nicolás, Sonora. The names Bahía de Kino, Bahía Kino and Kino Bay are used interchangeably. it has changed a lot over the years and IMO not for the better. It was formerly a great place to escape to and live cheaply if you didnt want to travel very far. Now?? well, its like an extension of California with wayyyy too many “tourons” and rich people driving up prices and making it non affordable for the average vagabond.
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