Wednesday, April 29, 2020

The Gerber river mini (knife)

The Gerber river mini (knife)

In 2010, I was visiting my pimp homie friend Sean “Pog” Kendrigan at his home in New Hampshire.

Sean and I worked together at a wilderness program for hard core juvenile offenders in Utah several years ago. It was one hell of an experience. Some of those kids you would love to forget but cant. Ol' “Pog” was also a river raft guide in Maob, Utah for a few seasons. He reminds me a bit of the character “Seldom seen Smith” in Edward Abby books.

Anyhoo, Sean and I were looking over some of his river rafting equipment, tools, guns, knives etc. - you know, typical wilderness pimp stuff. Suddenly Sean pulls out a Gerber river mini knife. I had never heard of or seen one before. “Pog” says ( I paraphrase ) “see this knife?, I love it. It was in my paawket ( NH speak for pocket ) on every paddle, every hike and every swim”. I took it from him and examined it closely. I liked it too, compact, sharp as fuck, easily concealable, and looks like a hybrid between a Sudan Janjaweed dagger, and a WW2 OSS lapel knife.

I was headed for Aroostook County Maine the next day. I decided to look for one at the kittery trading post in Maine on the way up to the Jack Mountain Bushcraft School (JMBS) in “the county”. No luck finding one. I kept the little knife in the back of my mind until I got back to Arizona and went to see my friend Jon the owner of Trapper Jon's knife shop in Sierra Vista, Az

(Jon is also a New Hampshire boy). Of course Jon had one in his shop so I bought the thing and have been packing it around the world ever since.

Ive carried this knife From Arizona to Afghanistan, from the Sudan, to Thailand, Mongolia, Tajikistan and a lot of 3rd world shit holes in between annnnd, its even been Snake Blocker approved. I had this knife with me as one of the 5 or 6 I brought to the DYS casting call, Snake, looked at it, liked it and even threw it and stuck it in the ground!

This knife has – as my friend Sean said - “been in my pocket, on every paddle, every hike and every swim”.

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