Monday, April 27, 2020

Army Special Forces Survival "experts"

ladies and gentlemen I am struck. I was recently sent a link for a YouTube channel featuring an SF type as a wilderness survival expert.

I took a look at the videos, there is some useful information contained there in but (to me) juvenile and frat boyish.... I took a look at the individuals bio and aside from 26 years in special operations there was no evidence of any type of outdoor school or qualifying skills. Being able to make a Ferro rod fire and a poncho hooch does not qualify you as a wilderness expert.

This individual - like the other SF "experts" I have met has never spent any length of time in a remote wilderness with minimal gear and no support network. They have spent time in austere hostile environments with the Army but that is a far cry from a wilderness. 

Bottom line - if you are some type of military special operator and you make the claim of being a wilderness expert you are a straight up liar. Get some actual training, like with a JMBS expedition course, maybe outward bound, national outdoor leadership school, or even a Tom Brown tracker course. Sprinkle in becoming a raft guide, wilderness EM OR WFR. Then make your will give you much more credibility.

Thanks for your service.

Colonel Tomahawk

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