Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Alleged coup attempt in Venezuela

"The quiet professionals" what a crock of shit. I get a little sick of these self important Army SF types and their inflated egos.  They may be veterans of the military but so are Cooks, truck drivers, finance people, supply etc. But you dont see the veterans of those or the other MOSs expecting people to kiss their asses like SF types do. Fuck those idiots that went to Venezuela, I hope they go to jail.

Supposedly this guy - yet another American Army Special Forces "expert" set it up.
meet Jordan Goudreau - of Silver corp USA -

Having read Jordans website, I can say at least he isnt another one of those TV survival "Experts" you often find on Dick-scovey channel, that claim to be experts simply by virtue of being a green beret.

What a load of CRAP. Why would the USA want to knock out Maduro? something is rotten in denmark. The American govt would not be in support of launching a coup on a
worthless leader like Nick Maduro. I would say IF this supposed coup was
supported by anyone its the Colombian, or Chilean governments.
Both governments and the citizens, are tired of Venezuelan refugees flooding
their respective countries. Just go to any city in Colombia or Chile
and you will see scores of street people - ALL are from the socialist
shit hole called Venezuela.

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