Tuesday, May 26, 2020


Blacktail Canyon Information Coordinates: 31.5670384°N, -110.4184137°W
Approx. Elevation: 5,072 feet (1,546 meters)
USGS Topo Map Quad: Pyeatt Ranch
Feature Type: Valley

Time: over a 2 day (48 hour) period



Subject : odd sights and sounds in blacktail canyon

Blacktail canyon is a spooky place even in daylight when you are among friends. The canyon name must come from the black tail rattle snake, as this area is perfect rattler habitat.

My friend Matt and me went into the canyon many times in winter to collect firewood, and, each time we always felt like we were being watched. This place has a real creepy feeling. Oddly one 4th of July Matt and me hiked up the canyon and sat down to eat lunch and we both found ourselves shivering with cold, this is an odd thing on a 100+ degrees (Fahrenheit) day.

It was over the 4 day Thanks giving weekend I asked Matt to drop me off in the canyon with my gear and enough water for a week. Blacktail canyon has no running water or springs. I hiked in my mountain of gear and set up my tarp and hammock as usual. As always I felt like I was being watched.

After I set up my camp I took a hike up canyon to have a bit of a scout and see what or who was about; it was hot (even for November), and I had not brought any water along with me. As a consequence I became dehydrated. Once back in camp , I cooked some food on my svea stove, drank a few cups of coffee with flax milk and honey, then at about an hour before sunset I retired to my hammock with my Mp3 player and some audio books.

As I was gently swinging in my hammock and listening to W.E.B. Griffins book “The Corps” I saw what looked like tracer rounds shoot between me and my tarp! At first it was slow - or just a few – then numerous “tracers” shot by for a few seconds followed by these weird looking “bug like” creatures that were the same color as the “tracers”. These bug like things looked a bit like paisley patterns I have seen on shirts, they were animated and moved in a manner like that of a worm.

I didnt know what to make of it but chocked it up to dehydration. As I lay there in the gathering twilight listening to my audio book, I though I heard a sound beyond that of what I was listening to. So, removing my ear buds, I heard this strange trumpeting sound which only lasted a few seconds at a time. It sounded like the noise was coming from the hill side I could see to the west of me. Very strange indeed!

I lay there listening. The creepiness of Blacktail canyon began to inch its way into my brain and I was spooking myself out and jumping at every sound. Eventually I settled down and went to sleep.... I awoke some time later to the brightest lights I have ever seen. 4 lights to be exact. The lights were coming down from the same hill side to the west I had heard the sounds come from. Oddly the lights made no sound , I mean there was no engine noise, or sounds of people (Illegals) who were trespassing on Ft. Huachuca. Believe me, if a group of people were walking in the dark down a hill side there would be lots of noise.

It was strange, and I did get up, put my shoes and jacket on . I sat in my crazy creek chair watching the lights and listening for any type of sounds. I heard nothing, not even bugs or birds. These lights came from the ridge line, descended the hill side, then went back to the ridge line then disappeared, maybe over a period of 10 minutes (?). The lights (4) were in a * *** (v down) formation as they descended then in a ** ** (^ up) formation as they went back up hill. I made a mental note and marked the area of the lights in my mind so that in the day light I could survey the area through my binoculars.

Over my morning cup of Joe, I glassed the ridge line and the hill side through my binoculars and saw nothing other than typical sonoran desert type habitat. I did notice that the hill side itself was very steep and possibly a 45 to 50 degree slope. This degree of slope would be nearly impossible for any people to descend in the dark, regardless of having lights. So, this to me ruled out people activity.

I didn't do much that day except stay around camp and work on some small projects I had brought along. Once again, there was that ever present feeling of being watched.

Late in the afternoon I cooked some grub, then grabbed my Mp3 player and retired to my hammock for the evening. Then it happened again! Tracers! No shit, so much for my previous evenings dehydration theory...... I laid there watching these “tracers” shoot by along with the weird bug looking things for a long time. They finally stopped and I simply fell to sleep. I didn't hear any odd trumpeting sounds that evening but later on I did see those 4 lights again!

Same thing, down the slope in one pattern then back up the slope in a different pattern....I tried to sleep but was in and out all night long. In the morning I decided to pack up and walk my ass back to town. I had enough of blacktail canyon and its anomalies.

I have never been back (Neither has Matt) to collect fire wood or simply look around. But I can tell you this....A friend who was a civilian cop on Ft. Huachuca told me some strange stories and about calls that were made to the department about this place.

If you ever find yourself at Ft. Huachuca, Arizona, go check out blacktail canyon, you might see some things you cant explain.

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