Wednesday, May 27, 2020

I am legend

So, I finally got around to watching "I am legend" This story written by Richard Matheson in 1954 was first adapted to film in 1964 in a film called "The last man on earth" starring Vinny price. Then it was redone in 1971 as "The Omega man" starring Charleton Heston. I heard recently that there is another low budget B movie titled "I am Omega" starring Mark Dacascos.

The picture/snap I posted here is the only one from the film that shows will smith even remotely holding his weapon properly. Im sure the tech advisor they hired to show mr. smith how to hold his weapon and move like a soldier was good, Im doubly sure smith didnt listen.

In this scene he is hunting deer in the city. Let me say, he cant hunt for shit. He has a rear end shot at the deer but lets it go.. Hes supposedly in survival mode, hunting sportsmanship is off the table at this point. He should have whacked it in the ass then went to quickly finish it off.

Then just before the scene closes a lion kills the deer he is hunting....what does he do? NOTHING. Me? I would have killed all 3 of those lions, then made a hash of deer and Lion backstrap for me and my dog that evening. I would have had 3 lion skins also.

THE LAST FUCKING THING I would do is let 3 lions run around my AO. I would all apex predators and practice a scorched earth policy, salvage everything I could, especially booze, C-gars, weapons, Ammo,food, fuel of all types, and cool art work just for my own house. THEN burn down everything in site.

1 more thing, if Lt. Colonel Nevil was trapped on the island, how did the lady get on there to rescue his dumb ass when he got his panties in a bundle about his idiot dog dying, then went out to kill zombies. the Colonel was an idiot. Leave it to hollyweird to fuck up a great story.

But, Im no expert

Just my 2cents

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