Sunday, May 31, 2020

George Hayduke and his canteen cup

We old Infantry guys love our canteen cups. Mine - the one pictured was issued to me in my first TA-50 issue at Ft. Bragg when i served with the 82nd Airborne Division. I have used it all over the world for over 40 years, still going strong.

I was recently re-reading "The monkey wrench gang" by Edward Abbey and came across this passage where G.W. Hayduke the old Green Beret insists on using his G.I. canteen cup instead of a kinda sums up how old grunts feel about their beloved cups.
"Grab a plate" said Smith to his customers, "And load up".

There was no hesitation; He served the steaks. Last in line and distaining a plate, Hayduke held out his G. I. canteen cup. Smith draped a giant steak over the cup, covering not only the cup but Hayduke's hand, wrist and forearm. "Eat" said Smith.

"Sweet holy mother*&%k" said Hayduke.

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