Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The snugpak jungle blanket - not recommended

A while back  I took a hitch hiking trip to visit my pimpalicious surfing buddy Donovan in Nicaragua. I traveled light taking a tingguian tribe hammock ( From the Philippines). my patched up old army poncho, and a Snugpak Jungle Blanket.

I had dont a bit of research on a blanket for the tropics and saw the Snugpak and decided to give it a try. all of the online "experts" were touting its ability to fit into a sack the size of a 1qt nalgene bottle....ok cool. Anyway, I bought one on evilbay, stuffed it into my travel bag and hit the road.

I found it to be too short, too thin and had very little insulating value what so ever. If you were using it with a sleeping bag etc. it would make a decent addition to your sleep system. But as it stands alone - nope. It also didnt have any baffels quilted into it for body heat retention.

In the long run I should have just taken an old poncho liner with me on this trek. 

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