Sunday, September 18, 2022

Greg Tambone is full of shit

Greg Tambone. I kinda get a kick out of this guy. I have bought a few of his shirts and I like them. They are well made from quality products, A bit pricey but still not too bad.

I have watched a few of "Bones" videos and noticed that he can shoot, and is a fairly successful business man and he is a decent actor. But I always have to chuckle at his audacity. He will constantly say how he produces the best blades in the world or how he or his people have developed the greatest knife sheath in the world etc. Humorous. Recently, Just for shits and giggles, I made a comment on the bone tactical youtube site about  making a bone breaker key chain in carbon steel to be used as a striker in flint and steel fire making. The knuckle ring is in a perfect position to strike on flint or Green Bamboo.

my comment ; “It would be nice to have a bone breaker in carbon steel so it could be used as a fire striker if needed”

Bone Tactical replied: “I’ve made them in carbon steel but they rust and it’s not necessary because if you need to spark a fire you should have a knife anyway” 

Really? no shit? you can spark a fire with a knife?  Jesus, I was making flint and steel fires 30 years before this guy was born. Tambone goes on to say in a subsequent email;

“”We’ve made them out of carbon steel but the secondary use of an item shouldn’t outweigh its primary use. Having a rusting piece of metal in your pocket every day just so you can possibly use it to start a fire one day is not ideal. I Make the most effective edged weapons in self-defense tools in the world and if you are going to be starting fires it’s easy enough to use your knife. Even my stainless Edc relentless will spark one of my ferronrods.”

Id like to make a reply to his 2 (?) points;
#1. “We’ve made them out of carbon steel but the secondary use of an item shouldn’t outweigh its primary us”

OK, mr. “Expert” ,what is the primary use of this item? is it a bone breaker weapon or is it a key chain? looks to me like its at least supposed to be multi functional.

#2. ” Having a rusting piece of metal in your pocket every day just so you can possibly use it to start a fire one day is not ideal”.

I got news for you Greg, if you carry a piece of carbon steel in your pocket everyday it WILL NOT rust, it will get a patina, NOT rust. I have a carbon steel pen knife in my pocket now that I have carried for the past 35 years(Before you were born), in tropical, hot, humid “Non permissive environments” all over the world. It has NOT a bit of rust on it.

Wilderness survival “expert” Mr. Tambone goes on to say ; Direct quote – if you are going to be starting fires it’s easy enough to use your knife. Even my stainless Edc relentless will spark one of my ferronrods.”

First of all its a Ferro rod. And using a ferro rod to make a fire is NOT flint and steel. Ferro rods require NO SKILL to use. That is why they are popular with self proclaimed “Experts” in the field of wilderness survival.
If you knew anything about flint and steel fire making, you would know it doesnt involve a ferro rod.

Just my 2 cents on the attitude of Tambone. I believe I will pass on his “Expertise”

Check out this guys website, you might find his videos entertaining.

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