Thursday, September 15, 2022

Gliders and Mules WW2

 The American mule; the least understood and most underrated of the equines. As a personal choice, I would take the dumbest mule over the smartest horse anytime. Mules are made for the long haul, they can go days without water, live on practically any type of food - including people food , and are 10 times smarter than a horse. in WW2 thousands of mules were deployed to the pacific theatre of war via ships then Gliders or planes. Most went by glider. I dont know how the Mules were restrained in the gliders but it had to be tight so they didnt move much, and perhaps they were given a sedative. I would not want to be the Glider Pilot though, Mules, especially packed with loads constantly shift their weight and would - I assume - mess with the pilots trim characteristics in flight. Shoot fire! I hated pulling a trailer full of mules into the mountains back in the day, just because of the way their weight shifted. Those Glider pilots had balls of steel.

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