Wednesday, September 14, 2022

A fish tale from Patagonia

So there I was in Chilean Patagonia,  camping out and just basically killing time.  My grub was running low so I decided to try my hand at a little primitive tenkara fishing. Turns out I didn't have any fishing gear. Only a Gill net. Anyhow, I dug through my plunder and ended up making a hook from a safety pin and I used some artificial sinew as a line. 

Being a bit of an ichthyologist I know a thing or 2 about trout. I have fished for them in Maine, Montana , Mongolia and all over the world actually.  I  began turning over rocks looking for bugs etc. To use as bait. I hooked a few bugs on my pin hook and chucked it in the river. No luck.

I thought about different bait alternatives and remembered that my father used dough balls dipped in bacon grease, and in Thailand the locals use dough balls with shrimp powder in the mix.

So, I dug through my garbage bag and pulled out some mouldy bread and my tuna cans. I  dipped the bread in water then kneaded it into several dough balls. Next I swabbed out the tuna cans with the dough. There were also several bugs in the cans so I just smashed them into the mix.

Finally ready I baited up my homemade hook and dropped it in an eddy behind a boulder. .....the about 5 seconds later;  Wham! I had a strike. I managed to land him before he could wriggle off my barb less hook. I had a few other hits but didn't land another. It's ok,I was grateful for the one I had. I cooked it up in a soup with some Ramen. Twernt bad ,and a fitting meal for a Patagonia Wilderness adventure. 

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