This douche bag/shit stain/ cry baby keeps on spewing his knucklehead bullshit...Grow up dumbass! I made a blog post you were mentioned in, nothing more, you chose to escalate a nothing post on a nothing blog. I was simply stating my personal opinion. If you cant handle that then eat a bowl of dicks and crawl back under what ever rock you were born under.
However, since you choose to continue to escalate nothing and like to brag about "FACTS" , here is a Fact for you, I would like to point out that You and your wife are both guilty of stolen valor on national tv. 
while she is wearing military rank. That is a violation of ; chapter 45, section 771, title 10, United State Code ( 10 USC 771 ). And you are complicit in the deception and violation by addressing her as "Sergeant Major".
YOU ARE GUILTY of violating federal law in regard to civilians wearing military rank and insignia. The law reads as follows;
"In accordance with chapter 45, section 771, title 10, United States
Code ( 10 USC 771 ), no person except a member of the U.S. Army may
wear the uniform, or a distinctive part of the uniform of the U.S.
Army unless otherwise authorized by law. Additionally, no person
except a member of the U.S. Army may wear a uniform, any part of which
is similar to a distinctive part of the U.S. Army uniform."
Im not even going to dignify his claims with a reply or try to decipher his unhinged rant.
See you - douche!
Colonel Tomahawk
ATTENTION: Thomas d. Moore, since you steal words from here and twist them to suit your own agenda of covering up your own CRIMES and LIES.....Monique Marie
Sharing Hawke's post to moore:
Mykel Hawke:
Mykel Hawke's official reply for Thomas D. Moore,
since he has blocked me and keeps making up lies, here goes:
Why are you acting like such a fool publicly?
I do not know you, nor do I care what you think.
I never did, and don't now.
I believe in and support Freedom of Speech.
I do care about your lies and defamation.
I have never lied about you,
stalked you, harassed or bullied you
and I certainly never threatened you.
These are all false accusations by you against me.
It is a fact that you have publicly posted
these false accusations against me:
Terrorist, Family Stalker, Cyber Bully, Cyber Stalker,
and now saying I am threatening you is LIBEL.
The fact that you wrote an intentionally false statement
against me to the Special Forces Association
also falls in the category of TORT.
These are grounds for legal action.
I asked for your address to send a legal letter, nothing more.
That was made clear in the post.
The only reason we asked publicly was because
you had AZ listed as your address for your business
but on your social media you listed NC.
I have never threatened anyone and I would never threaten you.
I have always said we would do things legally and properly.
That is all we have done and will ever do.
These facts are also well posted and documented.
I wrote the KY COL & KY GOV to confirm your claims.
They confirmed them and we let them know of your abuse and misuse
of their Honorary Colonel rank they bestowed on you.
You have done wrong with that title and you shame it now.
I wrote them professionally and courteously, and posted it.
You wrote the SFA in a very unprofessional manner, calling me names,
and you flat lied to them in the content of your letter.
That makes you a liar, Tom. And that is all I ever said about you.
You chose to write a blog bad mouthing folks for bad mouthing.
I only wrote you because you misspoke facts
on the legal situation between Teti and me.
We had many Facebook communications prior.
I wrote you within hours of your first blog post.
You blocked me.
You wrote the SF and lied about that fact.
When I tried to find another way to write you and settle this privately,
I found that you had misrepresented your military service to the public for profit.
You listed your enlisted service, in detail publicly,
without any mention of your legitimately earned enlisted rank.
You titled yourself as COLONEL right next to that service,
without any clarification that it was only an HONORARY title.
You did this on numerous published professional sites
where you were asking money from the public,
and these solicitations were based primarily on
your claims of military service.
You, Thomas D. Moore, intentionally misled the public,
about your military service, for personal profit and gain.
You did this on your book, channel, charity and business web sites.
This is fraud, specifically called, STOLEN VALOR.
These are facts and no amount of name calling
or other public hostilities will change those facts.
So, again, some 20 blogs later, I have only posted on my page,
and your first public lie I discovered when trying to write you.
I Mykel Hawke, called you a liar for that,
and I call you a liar for that, still.
Now, I am calling you a liar for all these false accusations.
And I am stating, for the record, that is in fact, you,
who is doing all these things you've falsely accused me of doing.
The proof of all my claims is posted not as a harassment to you,
but a Public Service Announcement to protect others from your fraud.
If you think that is wrong, you could have much more easily written me to remedy,
but you are also perpetuating your fraud by channeling this negative social drama
to line your personal coffers with ill-gained profits, again, proving all my claims.
You have been constantly changing your blogs,
each time I call out your lies and the mere fact,
you stated that you don't care about Stolen Valor
publicly demonstrates you to be of low moral fiber
and to have a dubious character and be lacking in sound judgement.
These are of course, only my personal opinions.
I mention Terry Schappert's name, only in that is establishes as fact,
that you have a disgraceful, proven and documented history
of lying, stalking, bullying and harassing others.
Terry & I are both legitimate Retirees.
You claim 16 yrs, but never earned a retirement.
While that is suspicious, I still understand life issues,
maybe you got hurt, or family issues arose, all fine.
Terry and I are both legitimate Combat Vets.
While you claim 16 yrs of service, much in combat arms, you have no combat listed?
That too seems suspicious, but again, I understand it might have been on your watch.
Terry and I are both legitimate Special Operations Vets, as well.
Not that you have claimed this, but you have claimed an incredibly good career-
Airborne Infantry, Pathfinder Scout, Rigger & Supply are all honorable.
The fact is, you actively stalked and harassed Terry for 6 months
after your tenure on Discovery's Dude You're Screwed was terminated,
allegedly for being an extremely unpleasant person to the cast and crew.
It is a fact that you stalk and harass Terry still
and he has posted publicly, attesting to this fact, recently.
We will speak against you on this matter in court if you persist.
So there has been no issues from me on anything other than
your lies to the public about your rank and service for profit off those misrepresentations
And for that alone, you've acted wrongly and foolishly.
I do not play games and I do not lie.
I am sending you a legal letter to cease and desist.
I am including those responsible for granting your abused rank,
for the purposes of making them aware of your misconduct.
I am offering there privately, same thing I have offered here publicly.
Remedy your professional bio's to clarify for the public the truth.
It's too easy to include your enlisted rank or include 'Honorary" with Colonel.
Anything less is lying and you know impersonating and officer is wrong.
I have also offered reciprocity to remove all posts in kind if you do.
This kind of conduct does no one any good,
other than increasing your personal attempts to obtain money from the public.
It is my intention to seek peace through truth, nothing more or less.
If those whom granted the rank can not control your wrongful actions,
then legal action may, and you'll leave us no other recourse.
I didn't start this, and by sense of duty to the public,
I can not let this wrongful conduct go without accountability.
The end of this will be determined by you.
This is my last comment on the matter in this manner.
My only goal is to find an honorable resolution.
So, consider your actions and their impact
on the very ones who gave you that honorary title.
All my credentials were earned, none give, like yours.
I honor my credentials by holding folks accountable
to both truth and justice, especially in matters,
regarding military service and profits off the public for those claims.
Mykel Hawke sends
PS- The FOIA will be posted, regardless.
If it supports your claims, we will gladly make it known you spoke truth there.
We never sought any conflict and we never wanted you to be a liar.
But if you are, then that will be another matter, for others to take up.
I am merely the messenger, attacked wrongly by you
and through that attack, the one who exposed your lies.
Be angry, but I advise you to do right, fix it.
It's so easy, but you're making it so hard.
And Tom, that is never wise to have so much pride
you can't own a mistake and remedy it.
I hope you can reflect on this and choose well.
I have family and would much rather give my time towards them.
But I did not become the man I am today, because I would seek my own comfort
over the discomfort of fighting for what I believe is right and true.
The bottom line- What happens now and then, is all going to be by your own hand.
or not.

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